Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 There are several important news items this week:

1.  RPI Valuation of Ties.  With the NCAA having published its initial RPI ratings and ranks for the season, I have verified that in the Winning Percentage portion of the RPI formula, ties now are weighted as one-third of a win rather than one-half.  Thus the new Winning Percentage formula is:

(Wins + Ties/3)/(Wins + Losses + Ties)

For the Opponents' Winning Percentage and Opponents' Opponents' Winning Percentage portions of the RPI formula, however, ties will continue to be weighted as one-half of a win.  NCAA staff has confirmed this.

2.  Bonus and Penalty Adjustments.  The old regime for bonuses for good wins and ties and penalties for poor losses and ties has been replaced by a new, expanded regime.  The new regime is as follows:

Bonuses for Wins and Ties v Teams with Unadjusted RPI Ranks of 1 to 25

Win Away        0.0032

 Win Neutral    0.0030

Win Home        0.0028

Tie Away           0.0020

Tie Neutral        0.0018

Tie Home           0.0016

Bonuses for Wins and Ties v Teams with Unadjusted RPI Ranks of 26 to 50

 Win Away        0.0026

 Win Neutral     0.0024 

Win Home        0.0022 

Tie Away           0.0014 

Tie Neutral        0.0012 

Tie Home           0.0010

Bonuses for Wins v Teams with Unadjusted RPI Ranks of 51 to 100

 Win Away        0.0008 

Win Neutral       0.0006 

Win Home          0.0004

Penalties for Ties and Losses v Teams with Unadjusted RPI Ranks of 151 to 250

Loss Home           -0.0014

Loss Neutral         -0.0012

Loss Away            -0.0010

Tie Home              -0.0008

Tie Neutral            -0.0006

Tie Away                -0.0004

Penalties for Ties and Losses v Teams with Unadjusted RPI Ranks of 251 and Poorer

Loss Home            -0.0026

Loss Neutral           -0.0024

Loss Away              -0.0022

Tie Home                -0.0020

Tie Neutral              -0.0018

Tie Away                -0.0016 

3,  Calculation of 0.500 Minimum Winning Percentage to Qualify for an NCAA Tournament At Large Position.  A team must have at least an 0.500 winning percentage to qualify for an NCAA Tournament at large position.  NCAA staff advises that in calculating winning percentage for this requirement, a tie will be counted as half a win.

Hereafter, my weekly tables will be based on the NCAA RPI formula with these changes.

Teams' Current Actual RPI Ranks and Other Data

The following table for teams and the next one for conferences show actual RPI ranks and other data based on the results of games played through Sunday, September 15.  This corresponds with the NCAA's first publication of ratings and ranks for the season, through September 15.  You will have to scroll to the right to see the entire table.


Conferences' Current Actual RPI Ranks and Other Data

Predicted Team RPI and Balanced RPI Ranks, Plus RPI and Balanced RPI Strength of Schedule Contributor Ranks

The following table for teams and the next one for conferences show predicted ranks based on the actual results of games played through September 15 and predicted results of games not yet played.  In predicting results of games not yet played, this week I have changed from using teams' pre-season assigned ratings as the basis for prediction to using teams' actual current NCAA RPI ratings.  Using teams' current RPI ratings as the basis for predicting the results of future games, at this stage of the season, is highly speculative, perhaps even more speculative than using teams' pre-season assigned ratings.  Because of that, I do not take the predictions very seriously.

Predicted Conference RPI and Balanced RPI Ranks, Plus RPI Strength of Schedule Contributor Ranks 

Predicted NCAA Tournament Automatic Qualifiers, Disqualified Teams, and At Large Selection Status, All for the Top 57 Teams


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