Factor | Yes at Large |
ARPI Rating and Top 50 Results Rank | 144 |
ARPI Rank and Conference Rank | 128 |
ARPI Rank and Rating | 115 |
ARPI Rating | 115 |
ARPI Rating and Top 60 CO Rank | 109 |
ARPI Rank and Top 50 Results Rank | 109 |
ARPI Rank | 107 |
ARPI Rating and ANCRPI Rank | 107 |
ARPI Rating and Top 60 CO | 89 |
ARPI Rank and ANCRPI Rank | 89 |
ARPI Rank and Top 60 CO Rank | 87 |
ARPI Rank and Top 60 CO Score | 69 |
ANCRPI Rank and CO Score | 61 |
Top 50 Results Rank and CO Score | 60 |
ARPI Rating and ANCRPI Rating | 59 |
ARPI Rating and Top 50 Results Score | 58 |
Top 60 CO Score | 57 |
CO Score and CO Rank | 54 |
ARPI Rank and Conference Standing | 49 |
ANCRPI Rank and CO Rank | 46 |
ARPI Rating and Last 8 Games (Poor Results) | 46 |
Top 60 CO Rank | 45 |
Conference ARPI and CO Score | 43 |
Top 50 Results Rank | 43 |
Conference Rank and CO Rank | 41 |
ANCRPI Rank and Top 50 Results Rank | 41 |
To provide context for this table, as stated in my previous post, realistically the pool of teams the Committee looks at for seeding and at large selection purposes is the top 60 teams in the ARPI rankings, thus a total of 600 teams over the last 10 years (less the 3 teams in the top 60 over the last 10 years with records below 0.500). Over the last 10 years, there have been 155 Automatic Qualifiers in the top 60. Since the AQs are not in competition for at large selections, the actual pool of teams the Committee is looking at for at large selections is roughly 445 teams, in other words roughly 44.5 teams per year. From this pool, the Committee had to pick 34 teams per year from 2007 through 2013 and 33 teams per year since then (due to the split between the Big East and American Athletic Conferences).
The above table shows that the ARPI Rating/Top 50 Results Rank paired factor is the most important factor for purposes of saying "yes" a team gets an at large selection. The Top 50 Results Score and Rank factors use a scoring system that rewards teams for wins and ties against teams ranked #50 or better by the ARPI. The scoring system is weighted strongly in favor of good results against very highly ranked teams. This paired factor is significantly more powerful than any other factor.
Next in terms of power is the ARPI Rank/Conference Rank paired factor, which is significantly more powerful than the next factors on the list. Then come the ARPI Rating factor by itself and the ARPI Rank/ARPI Rating paired factor, which are significantly more powerful than the ones below them. And then come four factors, one of which is the ARPI Rank factor by itself, the other three of which are either either ARPI Rating or ARPI Rank paired with one of Top 50 Common Opponents Rank, Top 50 Results Rank, or Adjusted Non-Conference RPI (ANCRPI) Rank. The other factors on the list are significantly weaker than any of these.
Altogether, the list demonstrates the importance of teams' ARPI ratings/ranks in the at large selection process and, of the other primary factors, the importance of the Top 50 Results factor. It also is noteworthy that the Head to Head Results factor does not show up on the "top 26" list, at all.
What about the "no" at large selection factors? Here's a list of the top 26 factors:
Factor | No at Large |
ARPI Rank and Top 50 Results Rank | 41 |
ARPI Rank and Top 50 Results Score | 40 |
ANCRPI Rank and Top 50 Results Rank | 32 |
ARPI Rating and Conference Rank | 32 |
ARPI Rank and Conference Rank | 26 |
ARPI Rating and Top 50 Results Score | 25 |
ARPI Rating and Top 50 Results Rank | 24 |
ARPI Rating and ANCRPI Rank | 24 |
ANCRPI Rating and HTH Score | 24 |
ARPI Rank | 23 |
ARPI Rating and Top 60 HTH | 21 |
ARPI | 20 |
Top 50 Results Score and HTH Score | 20 |
Top 50 Results Rank and HTH Score | 20 |
ARPI Rank and Rating | 19 |
ARPI Rank and Top 60 HTH Score | 16 |
ANCRPI Rank and HTH Score | 16 |
HTH Score and CO Rank | 16 |
Top 60 HTH | 16 |
Conference Rank and HTH Score | 15 |
HTH Score and CO Score | 15 |
ANCRPI Rating and Conference ARPI | 15 |
ARPI Rating and Top 60 CO Rank | 14 |
ANCRPI Rating and Conference Rank | 14 |
ANCRPI Rank and Top 50 Results Score | 12 |
Conference ARPI and HTH Score | 12 |
Once again, teams' ARPI Ratings and Ranks, coupled with their Top 50 Results Ranks, are the most powerful factors, by a good margin. Of interest, ARPI Ratings and Ranks, coupled with a team's Conference Rank, also are powerful factors.
It's worth noting that the most powerful factors, by themselves, are not close to sufficient to do the entire job. The Committee currently needs to select 33 at large teams from a pool of roughly 44.5 teams per year. The most powerful "yes" factor can select 14.4 teams per year. The most powerful "no" factor can exclude 4.1 teams. This leaves the Committee with 26 teams still in the pool, from which to fill 18.6 remaining at large slots. Thus the other factors are needed to whittle this number down to a few slots each year to be filled from the remaining pool of a few teams that meet no "yes" and likewise no "no" factor patterns. Nevertheless, the most likely factors to get a team a "yes" and also to get a team a "no" are the paired ARPI/Top 50 Results factors.
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